• overview

    AnD PERT is developed for to improve their business effectiveness. Project management technique that shows the time taken by each component of a project, and the total time required for its completion. AnD project provides the services of initiation and tracking of the process to request and complete a project related Proposal document and allows for the entry of data and The Initiator will complete basic information regarding the request on a custom form.


    This workflow will allow for the entry of data, initiation and tracking of the process to request and complete a project related Proposal document (PERT).

    Submission of PERT

    All active employees create the PERT Document according to the Opportunity ID and  allowed to make updates to an existing PERT while it is in OPEN status.   A PERT that is in a CLOSED status can only be altered by a PERT CREATOR to change the status back to OPEN.

    Evaluation of PERT

    Opportunity ID against Salesforce Active Opportunities and validate that a match is found.  If no match is found, an error warning message is returned to the user that “No Active Opportunity Found for this Opportunity ID”. When the review meeting is held, a member of the PERT Team will update the document. If the Stage is set to No Bid, then no other fields of data are required and the document will have the status set to Closed upon the SAVE.

    Create and showing data of PERT

    AnD PERT Provides PERT Dashboard that showing Open PERT, Pending PERT, All PERT and New PERT. All employee Create the New PERT from click on the Dashboard New PERT. Employ Enter the Opportunity ID in the Opportunity field then data populated from the salesforce according this Opportunity ID. Open PERT showing all open status PERT data same as Pending PERT showing all Pending status PERT. All PERT showing open and closed status PERT.

    Reporting the PERT

    PERT to define the members of the primary PERT Team for weekly meeting. PERT Admin will have full access to all workflows at all times and can be see all information about the PERT.


    Responsive Web Design: The design of the application is responsive and suitable for all available devices, and platforms. It provides best viewing experience for easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing and scrolling.

    Cross Browsers: The PERT is very user friendly and consistent when it is visited from various browsers. The look and feel does not change with changing browsers.

    Complex Reporting: There is a pretty complex reporting for displaying, and easy to use Dashboard to show the information.

    Roll Up Feature: Roll up functionality on all the forms to show the information entered previously by the employ whereas Admin can see the all employee information.