CMS Made Simple | Miri Infotech


May 14, 2018


Miri Infotech is launching a product which will configure and publish CMS Made Simple on AWS, a Content Management System which is embedded pre-configured tool with Lamp and ready-to-launch AMI on Amazon EC2. Miri Infotech brings a wide range of amazing products such as CMS Made Simple, CMS Bundle, Hadoop, OSTicket and many more. CMS Made Simple (CMSMS) is a content management system (CMS) which offers developers, programmers and site owners a web-based development and administration area. Other systems with which they compared it, includes Drupal, WordPress, eZ Publish and Joomla. Miri Infotech is a CMSMS service provider company which provides installation services of CMSMS.

CMSMS is a module, written in PHP and also support MySQL. Current version of CMS made simple supports only MySQL, earlier it used to support PostgreSQL but was removed by the developers. Smarty Template Engine is used to process the template system. CMS Made Simple aims to provide easy development and customization with themes, add-on modules, dynamic menus, tags and translations. While creating a new development, the developer erases the things that are not needed, and then he adds those tags that links to plugins.


User Friendly:

  • CMS Made Simple provides capability without complexity.
  • With its robust and intuitive user interface and simple to use WYSIWYG page editor, you will love working with CMS Made Simple. Complete power is at your fingertips allowing you to quickly and easily manage your site content.

Highly Expandable:

  • CMS Made Simple is intelligently designed to be versatile and adaptable and is a perfect solution for creating websites with sophisticated features.
  • It offers an excellent framework that can be extended with custom Modules, Functions, and User Defined Tags.

Design Freedom:

  • CMS Made Simple is the fastest and the most efficient way to create stunning and sophisticated websites.
  • As a designer, you have better things to do than wade through multiple files full of cumbersome spaghetti coding. CMSMS is truly designer friendly and offers all of the features and flexibility necessary to craft a very comprehensive functional website and then quickly hand it over to the end user with a minimum amount of fuss.
  • The built in Group Based Permission System allows your template files to be truly tamper-proof – which means you can hand over a new site to its users in the knowledge, that they can safely and simply manage the content without breaking your eye-catching layout.

Modules and Themes:


This tool does not include any unnecessary module or any functionality for its users. Tags and modules are added by the site owner appropriately. Only core modules are configured during installation.

Plugins: add-on modules

  • Galleries
  • Guestbook
  • Form Builders
  • Captchas
  • Company and User Directories
  • e-Commerce / shops
  • Calendars
  • Blogs
  • RSS

Numerous additional modules are available via the module repository or Module Manager

In 2008 it lacked

  • Inventory management
  • Support for third-party payment processing mechanisms (such as PayPal)
  • Modules for shipping and sales tax calculators
  • Shopping cart functionality

which are available in Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress that are needed for building an e-commerce site.


The internal template and stylesheet system allows for end-user theme creation, but others are available in a themes repository to download. Developers can choose the one, that is closest to their wishes and customize further.


MIRI CMS Made Simple Support

Miri CMS Made Simple provides technical support for installation and setup issues through our support center. We are ready to be answer of all your queries related to product and we would happy to help/support you with product configuration and development.

echnical support for installation and setup issues through our support center. We are ready to be answer of all your queries related to product and we would happy to help/support you with product configuration and development.

  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs. facility is available. Client can contact us at any time.

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