
HelpDEZk osTicket Customer-Support Ticketing System

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osTicket is one of the most trusted ticketing system which is used in surplus amount worldwide. The best thing one can say about this is that it is not similar to every other ticketing system as it provides an amazing features which are indeed very user-friendly and customer’s attention grabbing. Whenever any customer demands for support or raises any type of issue related to this, all these issues and complaints are resolved at a very quicker pace and in a very human understandable form.

Miri Infotech is launching a product osTicket, a ticketing platform for PHP/MySQL which is embedded pre-configured tool with LAMP and ready-to-launch AMI on Amazon EC2.

This one software will guide you through all the steps that are necessary to follow in order to use it in a correct manner. It is that one software which is daily increasing its demand among small and mid-size companies and sorting their problems through their email, customer support system.


  1. We provide you with a platform where you will able to generate new tickets via e-mail, contact etc. and through this, you’ll be able to proceed further to fulfill your requirements of the project.
  2. Incoming tickets which are generated are then assigned to several agents depending on the type of issue raised.
  3. Agents will help users resolve their issues as soon as possible with the correct way possible.

Pre-requisites for using osTicket

  • HTTP server running Microsoft® IIS or Apache
  • PHP version 5.4 or greater, 5.6 is recommended
  • mysqli extension for PHP
  • MySQL database version 5.0 or greater

You can subscribe to osTicket, an AWS Marketplace product and launch an instance from the product's osTicket AMI using the Amazon EC2 launch wizard.

To launch an instance from the AWS Marketplace using the launch wizard

  • Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/
  • From the Amazon EC2 dashboard, choose Launch Instance.
    On the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) page, choose the AWS Marketplace category on the left. Find a suitable AMI by browsing the categories, or using the search functionality. Choose Select to choose your product.
  • A dialog displays an overview of the product you've selected. You can view the pricing information, as well as any other information that the vendor has provided. When you're ready, choose Continue.
  • On the Choose an Instance Type page, select the hardware configuration and size of the instance to launch. When you're done, choose Next: Configure Instance Details.
  • On the next pages of the wizard, you can configure your instance, add storage, and add tags. For more information about the different options you can configure, see Launching an Instance. Choose Next until you reach the Configure Security Group page.
  • The wizard creates a new security group according to the vendor's specifications for the product. The security group may include rules that allow all IP addresses ( access on SSH (port 22) on Linux or RDP (port 3389) on Windows. We recommend that you adjust these rules to allow only a specific address or range of addresses to access your instance over those ports.
  • When you are ready, choose Review and Launch.
  • On the Review Instance Launch page, check the details of the AMI from which you're about to launch the instance, as well as the other configuration details you set up in the wizard. When you're ready, choose Launch to select or create a key pair, and launch your instance.
  • Depending on the product you've subscribed to, the instance may take a few minutes or more to launch. You are first subscribed to the product before your instance can launch. If there are any problems with your credit card details, you will be asked to update your account details. When the launch confirmation page displays

Deployment/Usage Instructions

Open the URL: http://<instance ip address>

<instance ip address> : IP address of the running EC2 instance.

Step 1: Fill the primary authentication form with the following details –

Username: Admin

Password: <instanceID>

Step 2: click on “continue”.

Step 3: Enter the admin details as you want and enter the database details as follows:

MYSQL database: osticket

MYSQL Username: miri

MYSQL Password: <instanceID>

Step 4: installation is complete. Click on “your Staff Control Panel” URL.

Step 5: Enter the admin details and start using osTicket.

All your queries are important to us. Please feel free to connect.

24X7 support provided for all the customers.

We are happy to help you.

Submit your Query: https://miritech.com/contact-us/

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    Amazon EC2 allows you to set up and configure everything about your instances from your operating system up to your applications. An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is simply a packaged-up environment that includes all the necessary bits to set up and boot your instance. Your AMIs are your unit of deployment. You might have just one AMI or you might compose your system out of several building block AMIs (e.g., webservers, appservers, and databases). Amazon EC2 provides a number of tools to make creating an AMI easy. Once you create a custom AMI, you will need to bundle it. If you are bundling an image with a root device backed by Amazon EBS, you can simply use the bundle command in the AWS Management Console. If you are bundling an image with a boot partition on the instance store, then you will need to use the AMI Tools to upload it to Amazon S3. Amazon EC2 uses Amazon EBS and Amazon S3 to provide reliable, scalable storage of your AMIs so that we can boot them when you ask us to do so.

    Or, if you want, you don’t have to set up your own AMI from scratch. You can choose from a number of globally available AMIs that provide useful instances. For example, if you just want a simple Linux server, you can choose one of the standard Linux distribution AMIs.

    VPC endpoints enable you to privately connect your VPC to services hosted on AWS without requiring an Internet gateway, a NAT device, VPN, or firewall proxies. Endpoints are horizontally scalable and highly available virtual devices that allow communication between instances in your VPC and AWS services. Amazon VPC offers two different types of endpoints: gateway type endpoints and interface type endpoints.

    Gateway type endpoints are available only for AWS services including S3 and DynamoDB. These endpoints will add an entry to your route table you selected and route the traffic to the supported services through Amazon’s private network.

    Interface type endpoints provide private connectivity to services powered by PrivateLink, being AWS services, your own services or SaaS solutions, and supports connectivity over Direct Connect. More AWS and SaaS solutions will be supported by these endpoints in the future. Please refer to VPC Pricing for the price of interface type endpoints.

    Amazon S3 is a simple key-based object store. When you store data, you assign a unique object key that can later be used to retrieve the data. Keys can be any string, and they can be constructed to mimic hierarchical attributes. Alternatively, you can use S3 Object Tagging to organize your data across all of your S3 buckets and/or prefixes.

    By default, Amazon RDS chooses the optimal configuration parameters for your DB Instance taking into account the instance class and storage capacity. However, if you want to change them, you can do so using the AWS Management Console, the Amazon RDS APIs, or the AWS Command Line Interface. Please note that changing configuration parameters from recommended values can have unintended effects, ranging from degraded performance to system crashes, and should only be attempted by advanced users who wish to assume these risks.

    Amazon S3 is secure by default. Upon creation, only the resource owners have access to Amazon S3 resources they create. Amazon S3 supports user authentication to control access to data. You can use access control mechanisms such as bucket policies and Access Control Lists (ACLs) to selectively grant permissions to users and groups of users. The Amazon S3 console highlights your publicly accessible buckets, indicates the source of public accessibility, and also warns you if changes to your bucket policies or bucket ACLs would make your bucket publicly accessible.

    You can securely upload/download your data to Amazon S3 via SSL endpoints using the HTTPS protocol. If you need extra security you can use the Server-Side Encryption (SSE) option to encrypt data stored at rest. You can configure your Amazon S3 buckets to automatically encrypt objects before storing them if the incoming storage requests do not have any encryption information. Alternatively, you can use your own encryption libraries to encrypt data before storing it in Amazon S3.

    DB instances are simple to create, using either the AWS Management Console, Amazon RDS APIs, or AWS Command Line Interface. To launch a DB instance using the AWS Management Console, click "RDS," then the Launch DB Instance button on the Instances tab. From there, you can specify the parameters for your DB instance including DB engine and version, license model, instance type, storage type and amount, and master user credentials.

    You also have the ability to change your DB instance’s backup retention policy, preferred backup window, and scheduled maintenance window. Alternatively, you can create your DB instance using the CreateDBInstance API or create-db-instance command.


    • icon

      The interface for osTicket is completely translatable.

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      It is a very light weight and easy to set up and install tool.

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      A platform where you will able to generate new tickets via email, contact etc.

    Application Installed

    • icon osTicket
    • icon php
    • icon apache
    • icon mysql
    • icon linux