
PHPMySQLPiwikWeb Analytics Application

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An AWS product Piwik : Open Analytics Platform powered by Miri Infotech. Piwik is the leading open-source analytics platform that gives you more than just powerful analytics.

Piwik is a free and open source web analytics application written by a team of international developers that runs on a PHP/MySQL webserver. It tracks online visits to one or more websites and displays reports on these visits for analysis.

We are configuring and publishing Piwik embedded pre-configured tool with LAMP and ready-to-launch AMI on Amazon EC2 that contains Piwik, Apache, MySQL, Linux, PHP (LAMP).


Piwik displays reports regarding the geographic location of visits, the source of visits (i.e. whether they came from a website, directly, or something else), the technical capabilities of visitors (browser, screen size, operating system, etc.), what the visitors did (pages they viewed, actions they took, how they left), the time of visits and more. Some other features are as follows.

  • Real time data updates: Watch real time flow of visits to your website. Get a detailed view of your visitors, pages they have visited and goals they have triggered.
  • Customizable Dashboard: Create new dashboards with widget configuration fit to your needs.
  • All Websites Dashboard: Best way to get an overview of what is happening on all your websites at once.
  • Row Evolution: Current & past metric data for any row in any report.
  • Analytics for e-commerce: Understand and improve your online business thanks to advanced e-commerce analytics features.
  • Goal conversion tracking: Track Goals and identify whether you are meeting your current business objectives.
  • Event Tracking: Mesure any interaction by users on your websites and apps.
  • Content Tracking: Mesure impressions and clicks and CTR for image banners, text banners and any element on your pages.
  • Site Search Analytics: Track searches done on your internal search engine.

You can subscribe to Piwik, an AWS Marketplace product and launch an instance from the product’s AMI using the Amazon EC2 launch wizard.

To launch an instance from the AWS Marketplace using the launch wizard

  • Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/
  • From the Amazon EC2 dashboard, choose Launch Instance. On the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) page, choose the AWS Marketplace category on the left. Find a suitable AMI by browsing the categories, or using the search functionality. Choose Select to choose your product.
  • A dialog displays an overview of the product you’ve selected. You can view the pricing information, as well as any other information that the vendor has provided. When you’re ready, choose Continue.
  • On the Choose an Instance Type page, select the hardware configuration and size of the instance to launch. When you’re done, choose Next: Configure Instance Details.
  • On the next pages of the wizard, you can configure your instance, add storage, and add tags. For more information about the different options you can configure, see Launching an Instance. Choose Next until you reach the Configure Security Group page.
  • The wizard creates a new security group according to the vendor’s specifications for the product. The security group may include rules that allow all IP addresses ( access on SSH (port 22) on Linux or RDP (port 3389) on Windows. We recommend that you adjust these rules to allow only a specific address or range of addresses to access your instance over those ports
  • When you are ready, choose Review and Launch.
  • On the Review Instance Launch page, check the details of the AMI from which you’re about to launch the instance, as well as the other configuration details you set up in the wizard. When you’re ready, choose Launch to select or create a key pair, and launch your instance.
  • Depending on the product you’ve subscribed to, the instance may take a few minutes or more to launch. You are first subscribed to the product before your instance can launch. If there are any problems with your credit card details, you will be asked to update your account details. When the launch confirmation page displays.

Usage / Deployment Instruction

Open the URL: http://<instance ip address>

Step 1: Welcome

Open welcome screen. Click on Next Link

Step 2: System Check

This will open show System configurations

Click on Next Link.

Step 3: Database Setup

Database Server: localhost

Login: miripiwik

Password: <InstanceID>

Database Name: miripiwikdb

Step 4: Creating the tables

It creates the table

Click on Next Link

Step 5: SuperUser

Name : <Any name>

Password: <instanceID>

Email (Optional) : <this is optional>

Step 6: Setup a website

Website name: <any name>

Website Url : <any url>

Step 7: Tracking Code

Display Tracking code

Click on Next Link.

Step 8: Congratulations

Show Congratulations message.

After Installation, SSH using root user is disabled. ec2-user is the sudo user with root privileges with access using the key pair created during launching the instance.

MYSQL can be accessed only with SSH

MYSQL User : root

Password : <instanceID>

Note: You are not supposed to change it.

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We are happy to help you.

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    Input this code: captcha

    The Apache Hadoop software library allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using a simple programming model. The software library is designed to scale from single servers to thousands of machines; each server using local computation and storage. Instead of relying on hardware to deliver high-availability, the library itself handles failures at the application layer. As a result, the impact of failures is minimized by delivering a highly-available service on top of a cluster of computers.

    Hadoop, as a scalable system for parallel data processing, is useful for analyzing large data sets. Examples are search algorithms, market risk analysis, data mining on online retail data, and analytics on user behavior data.

    Add the words “information security” (or “cybersecurity” if you like) before the term “data sets” in the definition above. Security and IT operations tools spit out an avalanche of data like logs, events, packets, flow data, asset data, configuration data, and assortment of other things on a daily basis. Security professionals need to be able to access and analyze this data in real-time in order to mitigate risk, detect incidents, and respond to breaches. These tasks have come to the point where they are “difficult to process using on-hand data management tools or traditional (security) data processing applications.”

    The Hadoop JDBC driver can be used to pull data out of Hadoop and then use the DataDirect JDBC Driver to bulk load the data into Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, and other relational databases.

    Front-end use of AI technologies to enable Intelligent Assistants for customer care is certainly key, but there are many other applications. One that I think is particularly interesting is the application of AI to directly support — rather than replace — contact center agents. Technologies such as natural language understanding and speech recognition can be used live during a customer service interaction with a human agent to look up relevant information and make suggestions about how to respond. AI technologies also have an important role in analytics. They can be used to provide an overview of activities within a call center, in addition to providing valuable business insights from customer activity.

    There are many machine learning algorithms in use today, but the most popular ones are:

    • Decision Trees
    • Naive Bayes Classification
    • Ordinary Least Squares Regression
    • Logistic Regression
    • Support vector machines
    • Ensemble Methods
    • Clustering Algorithms
    • Principal Component Analysis
    • Singular Value Decomposition
    • Independent Component Analysis


    • icon

      Free Open Source software; 100% data ownership; User privacy protection; User centric insights; Customisable and extensible

    • icon

      Desired Page Overlay; Row Evolution; Can create Custom Variables for required field analytics

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      Privacy Options; Scheduled Reports; Log Importing

    Application Installed

    • icon Piwik
    • icon apache
    • icon linux
    • icon hadoop