DokuWiki – A Wiki Application in PHP Programming Language | Miri Infotech


February 6, 2018


MIRI Infotech is configuring and publishing DokuWiki embedded pre-configured tool with ready-to-launch AMI on linux that contains DokuWiki, Linux and PHP. DokuWiki is a wiki module which is simple to use and highly adaptable that doesn’t require a database connection. It is popular among users due to its user friendly UI and readable syntax. Its features like ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator’s favorite. DokuWiki is based on access controls and authentication connectors which makes it helpful in the organization context and the vast number of modules contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki.

DokuWiki is a most preferred choice while choosing a Wiki software and has a numerous of advantages over similar software. They are as per the following:

  1. Easy to install and use
  2. Low system requirements
  3. Built-in Access Control Lists
  4. Large variety of extensions
  5. Over 50 languages supported
  6. Device independent

Wikis is quick to update and can add new pages easily. Also they are designed for collaboration while maintaining a history of every change. It is not restricted to these functionalities only, it can also be used as:

  1. Corporate Knowledge Base
  2. Private notebook
  3. Software manual
  4. Project workspace
  5. CMS – intranet

From simple configuration via the admin interface through downloading of templates and plugins to developing up your own extensions.

Some features of DokuWiki are:

Revision control: – DokuWiki stores all versions of every wiki page, permitting the user to check the present version with any older version.

Access control: – Access control will be handled by a user manager that permits users and teams of users to be defined, and an access control list wherever an admin user will outlined permissions on page and namespace level, giving it far better access control than Mediawiki.

Plugins: – DokuWiki has a generic plugin interface that simplifies the method of writing and maintaining plugins.

Templates: – DokuWiki provides templates by which the user can customize the appearance of the wiki page.

Internationalization and localization: – DokuWiki supports Unicode, thus languages like Chinese, Thai, and Hebrew is displayed.


MIRI DokuWiki Support

MIRI DokuWiki provides technical support for installation and setup issues through our support center. We are ready to be answer of all your queries related to product and we would happy to help/support you with product configuration and development.

  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs. facility is available. Client can contact us at any time.

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