ELK Stack – A Log Analysis Framework


November 13, 2018


Miri Infotech is launching a product which will configure and publish ELK Stack, to produce free implementations of distributed or otherwise scalable machine learning algorithms which are embedded pre-configured tool with Ubuntu and ready-to-launch AMI on Amazon EC2 that contains Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash.

ELK Elastic stack is a popular solution for analyzing weblogs. The ELK Stack is a versatile collection of three products — Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana that makes collecting insights from data easier.

  • Elasticsearch is a search and analytics engine
  • Logstash is a data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources concurrently, transforms it, and then sends it to a stash.
  • Kibana enables users to visualize data with charts and graphs in Elasticsearch

ELK stack has been re-branded as Elastic Stack after the addition of Beats to the stack.

In simple words, Logstash collects and analyzes logs, and then Elasticsearch indexes and stores the data. Kibana then presents the information in visualizations that provide actionable insights. Well, comparing to other tools available ELK gives you extreme flexibility in terms of ways to analyze and present your logs data.

Elastic Stack, a comprehensive end-to-end log analysis solution that helps in deep searching, analyzing and visualizing the log generated from different machines. Organizations all over the world use these tools for performing critical business functions. These different tools are most commonly used together for centralized logging in IT environments, security and compliance, business intelligence, and web analytics.

These tools are spread across an extensive collection of languages. Beats are written in “Go” for convenient, efficient distribution of compiled binaries whereas Kibana uses Javascript for combined development of frontend and backend mechanisms.


Logstash serves as the pillar for storage, querying, and analysis of your logs. With Logstash, it’s really easy to collect all those logs and store them in one centralized location. The only precondition is a Java 8 runtime, and it takes only two commands to get Logstash running. Since, it has a collection of ready-made inputs, codecs, filters, and outputs, you can grab hold of a dynamic feature-set effortlessly.


Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database, based on the Lucene search engine. A single developer can use it to find the high-value information underneath all of your data haystacks, so you can put your team of data scientists to work efficiently. Elasticsearch comes along with these benefits:

  • Real-time data
  • Real-time analytics
  • Document orientation
  • Full-text search


Kibana is the log-data dashboard that can be installed on Linux, Windows, and Mac. It runs on node.js, and the installation packages come incorporated with the required binaries. It provides a better grip on large data stores with bar graphs, point-and-click pie charts, maps, trend lines, and scatter plots. Ultimately, each of your business lines can make practical use of data collection, as you help them customize their dashboards.

Comprehensive application expertise is required for custom applications built on the ELK stack. Hence, relying on Miri InfoTech, one of the trusted ELK service providers will give freedom to your internal team from maintenance tasks, letting you have predictable application cost structure. So, maximize your application’s ROI and focus on your core business with Miri InfoTech’s ELK Stack Support and Implementation Services. Support features and benefits of ELK Services by Miri InfoTech:

  • Authenticity, Availability, and Agility
  • Role Based Access Control
  • Multi-Stack Configuration
  • Dynamic support model and procedures
  • Monitoring, Alerting, and Auditing

One more reason to choose Miri InfoTech as your service provider is the provision of Nginx Server along with Java. Well, with ELK stack these provisions would prove to be a great deal. NginX is known to record high performance and improving the performance, reliability, and security of applications. It is best for serving static files while Java provides you with faster development operations and is essential for both Elasticsearch and Logstash.


As a standard consulting partner of AWS Network, Miri InfoTech makes available custom-purpose, enterprise-level cloud solutions to the businesses. Miri along with Amazon Web Services brings a comprehensive approach to our clients’ business model and infrastructure transformation that doesn’t just look at the technology, but the strategic planning and execution. Our pro-active, complete support system saves your valuable time and money and covers your application hosting, with fully managed IT solutions.

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