Shopware eCommerce – An eCommerce Platform to power your Online Business | Miri Infotech


May 15, 2018


Miri Infotech is launching a product which will configure and publish Shopware eCommerce an eCommerce platform, to power your online business which is embedded pre-configured tool with LAMP and ready-to-launch AMI on Amazon EC2. Shopware ecommerce  is developed in the programming language PHP . The basis for this is the framework “enlight”, a manufacturer-specific modification of the Zend Framework .  The software follows the template design as well as the design pattern Model View Controller.  As a framework for the templates “Smarty” is used for the development of JavaScript components such as jQuery and Ext JS . Error messages can be communicated via Jira .  For the development of API- based services there is an SDK for the programming language PHP.

Shopware ecommerce is a modular online shop system developed in Germany since 2004 . It is available both as open source – software as well as in commercial editions. The program can be extended in its functions by the installation of additional Plugins. An open API can be used to connect systems from other providers, such as payment services or merchandise management systems. The system is multisho-capable, so it can generate several shops on different domains within an installation. Multi-tenancy (complete separation of multishops in the administration area) does not exist by default, but can be achieved in the cluster.


Community Edition:

The Community Edition was introduced in late 2010 and is a free, quelloffenene online store software on the same technical basis as the commercial editions. While the source code was disclosed in 2010, with the release of version 4 on August 28, 2012, the software was placed under the AGPL3 license . Templates are subject to the Apache 2.0 license .

For the free software, the manufacturer offers no warranty, no support and no maintenance, but a wiki and a forum are available. The Community Edition is not limited in functionality and can manage any number of categories, articles and customers. An upgrade to the paid editions is possible. The Community Edition can be extended by free and paid plug-ins from the Community Store.

Professional Edition

The Professional Edition is a commercial license. In addition to the basic functionality of the Community Edition, it includes additional features such as storytelling, digital publishing and an in-house ERP system. In addition, customers with this edition are entitled to warranty and it is possible to request manufacturer for the support and maintenance.

Professional Plus Edition

With Version 5, Shopware has introduced a Professional Plus Edition in addition to the Professional Edition. This includes all functions of the Professional Edition as well as also called the “Premium Plugins” of the shopware AG. These also add numerous additional functions in the marketing area of the shop.

Enterprise Edition

Essentially, the Shopware Enterprise Edition has the same functionality as the Professional Plus Edition and differs mainly in that, it enables to handle large amounts of traffic. In addition, users of this license are offered added value in the form of 24/7 developer support, personalized advice and the merchant integration.

Some Features of Shopware eCommerce are:

Intuitive to use

  • With Shopware eCommerce, you can completely devote yourself to the core aspects of your online business. The backend is carefully structured to simplify your daily work and will save the time.

State-of-the-art technology

  • With a high-end, trendsetting software architecture serving as Shopware’s basis, you are benefitted from having PHP 7, Elasticsearch and an open API right at your fingertips.

Individually adaptable

  • Thanks to an open template basis, the system is completely customizable. Many adjustments can be easily implemented from the backend without touching a line of code.

Always cutting edge

  • You are benefitted from a system that is constantly being expanded and updated with the innovative features, that have the potential to change the future of online retail.

Short time-to-market

  • In eCommerce, there is no doubt to say that time is a valuable resource. To ensure you don’t lose out, Shopware Enterprise makes it possible to bring more shops to life, in the shortest period possible.


MIRI Shopware eCommerce Support

Miri Shopware eCommerce provides technical support for installation and setup issues through our support center. We are ready to be answer of all your queries related to product and we would happy to help/support you with product configuration and development.

  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs. facility is available. Client can contact us at any time.

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