For SanDisk, we have simplified their electronic systems, removed the need for paperwork in the company, easier for employees to complete their work and cost and time required for the workflows were streamlined.

We have created simple solutions for repetitive business process workflows at SanDisk. The company was not able to fill gaps in the workflows. They couldn’t find information about their products in simple manner. Earlier, every SanDisk department had its own way of tracking corrective actions from quality audits, and there was no traceability of implementation of corrective actions.

In our Quality Assurance Process Implementation for SanDisk, SanDisk asked us to create simple solutions for repetitive tasks, and to fill gaps in workflows as well. We created OQRM workflow, to find details of the product in the OQRM workflow. In this workflow, when the part number of the product is entered, the application shows information about product details such as Memory, Memory cell, wafer sort and memory capacity. The details are sent to tester who either holds, passes or fails the product.

In the OQRM application

      • Shows product details when you enter part number
      • Details sent to tester who either holds, passes or fails product


We have also worked on another application with SanDisk called EzQual, another application with three workflows viz. ‘Product’, ‘Package’ and ‘Process’. It provides product details and each of the workflows provides information about product or package to be used at the end of the product development cycle.

In the EzQual application

      • A custom dashboard was created
      • The status of requests pending approval can also be viewed


The technologies used include .NET, SQL Server and JavaScript. In the OQRM application, data is picked from Excel . 
In the TCR Application, the company came to us with a requirement to fill gaps in workflow. The TCR Application was not being used efficiently due to slow network and was not updated regularly and the reporting process was also difficult. There was no database earlier either. The reports had to be generated manually.

In the TCR application

      • Requirement was to fill gaps in workflow
      • Reporting was improved
      • There was no database
      • Validations and automations were introduced.
      • Communication and tracking platform provided


The following tasks were achieved in the workflows created by us

      • Collect, Track & Report Operational Data
      • Automated Alerts
      • Send automated email notifications to:
      • Employees and/or their supervisors, for pending and overdue actions.
      • Managers of missed or incomplete tasks

The benefits

      • Simplified electronic system
      • No need for paperwork
      • Easier for employees to complete their work
      • Cost and time required for the workflows were streamlined