Collabtive – Web Based Project Management Software | Miri Infotech


October 12, 2017


Miri InfoTech is launching a product, which will configure and publish Collabtive, which is embedded pre-configured tool with LAMP and ready-to-launch AMI on Amazon EC2 that contains Collabtive, Apache, MySQL, Linux, and PHP (LAMP).  It is open source software and provides an alternative to proprietary tools like Basecamp. Collabtive is written in PHP and JavaScript. Collabtive offers time tracking, calendar, pdf reports, RSS feeds, email notification and new in its design and approach, compact in size unlike many project management tools that has lesser features, cost more and bloated in size. The current version of Collabtive allows management of unlimited projects at the same time. There are no limits on the milestones or tasks list or activity assigned to each project. Collabtive has an effective time tracking system and file management system to make project organization and management easier. Collabtive supports export of reports and notifications to PDF, Excel format for data processing. Reports are generated for time tracking and logs are generated for activities. RSS feeds are available for messaging and user profiles can be exported as vCards. Email notifications can be set to be sent out as required. Collabtive incorporates calendars synchronization through iCal task export functionality.

Some features of Collabtive are:

Core functionality

  • Unlimited projects, milestones, task lists, and tasks
  • Unlimited members with user profiles
  • Role-based permission management
  • Messaging
  • File management
  • Time tracking

Reporting and notifications

  • Timetracker reports, activity logs and messages in PDF format
  • Share user profiles as vCard
  • RSS feeds for messages and tasks
  • Synchronization of calendars via iCal task export
  • Excel files from activity logs and timetracker reports
  • Email notifications


  • Search
  • Data encryption
  • Fully themeable
  • Available in 39 languages
  • Full UTF8 support


MIRI Collabtive Support

  • When you join to the MIRI Collabtive, your AWS commercial center membership will be naturally distinguished. MIRI Collabtive provides technical support for installation and setup issues through our support center.
  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs. facility is available. Client can contact us at anytime.

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