Ionic- Open Source Mobile App Framework | Miri Infotech


August 21, 2017


MIRI Infotech is configuring and publishing Ionic embedded pre-configured framework on Ubuntu and ready-to-launch AMI on Amazon EC2 that contains Ionic Framework, npm, cordova.  Ionic is open source framework used for developing mobile applications. It provides tools and services for building Mobile UI with native look and feel. Some key features of Ionic Framework are:

  • AngularJS : Ionic uses AngularJS MVC architecture for building rich single page applications optimized for mobile devices.
  • CSS components : With native look and feel, these components offer almost all elements that mobile application needs. Components default styling can be easily overridden to accommodate your own design.
  • JavaScript components : These components are extending CSS components with JavaScript functionalities to cover all mobile elements that can’t be done only with HTML and CSS.
  • Cordova Plugins : Apache Cordova plugins offer API needed for using native device functions with JavaScript code.
  • Ionic CLI : This is NodeJS utility powered with commands for starting, building, running and emulating Ionic applications.
  • Ionic View : Very useful platform for uploading, sharing and testing your application on native devices.


MIRI Ionic Framework Support

  • When you join to the MIRI Ionic Framework, your AWS commercial center membership will be naturally distinguished. MIRI Ionic Framework provides technical support for installation and setup issues through our support center.
  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs facility is available. Client can contact us at anytime.

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