Miri InfoTech offers the best remote resources to help you get started in the tough time of COVID: 19 Pandemic!


April 21, 2020


First things first: Not all the heroes wear capes, a big thank you and profound gratitude to the healthcare professionals and first responders fighting the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). They are risking their lives on this Coronavirus outbreak to protect us. All of us are indebted to these brave individuals and we owe them big time.

During the distress times like what we are witnessing during this outbreak of novel Coronavirus, it is really important that companies across the world should try to find ways to help each other in every possible way. Every company is trying to stay afloat in this major crisis by allowing its employees to work from home and balancing their business revenues. The coronavirus outbreak is at its peak with over 2 million positive cases across the globe and the problem is not going to decelerate pretty soon. The COVID-19 pandemic is not only affecting our lives but it is affecting our economy and business.

To combat the situation, Miri InfoTech suggests that we should all come together and fight against this unseen rival of the world. Miri wishes to help businesses who lack resources to complete the projects on time. We want to help businesses who are planning for the future and unable to adjust with remote work infrastructure to manage the business for the anticipatable future. To do our part in this, we have planned to provide our remote resources with the reduced cost up to 80% as per your time zone. We understand that every company is juggling with the financial crisis due to this global pandemic. Yes, you read it right; we are offering our proficient remote resources with reduced cost to help you sail through the COVID times together. Our resources are ready to work round the clock for companies that require a helping hand to complete their projects on time.

Under this initiative, Miri is focusing on helping companies that are not able to provide remote work infrastructure to its employees as a result of lack of resources due to which its clients are running away. We have a back-up plan for you as you can save your clients by making use of our remote resources as per your time zone. Following are significant features of our offer:

  • The best remote resources at your finger click as per your time zone
  • Enjoy business success during Covid-19 Disruption
  • Unbeatable Prices with 80% reduced cost
  • We’ll sail through the COVID Times… Together!


Final Words

If you know a company that is in dire need of remote resources, please. share them with this offer. Miri stands firm to help your business in the tough times of COVID-19. Don’t wait and get more information on:


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