Predictive Analytics Framework R Hadoop 3.4.4 | Miri Infotech


October 25, 2018


Miri Infotech brings Predictive analytics framework environment in R, Java and Hadoop. Specially optimized R version 3.4.4 with Ubuntu 16.04 OS. This includes RStudio Version 1.453 & RServer 1.1.456 and Hadoop 2.7.3 with HDFS, HBase Version 1.3.0. Miri Infotech brings a wide range of amazing products such as Predictive Analytics Framework R Hadoop, Nagios, Datamelt, Predictive R, TimeTrex, openCRX etc. Basically R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible. The capabilities of R are extended through user-created packages, which allow specialized statistical techniques, graphical devices. A core set of packages is included with the installation of R, with more than 10,331 additional packages.

RStudio includes other open source software components. The following is a list of these components:

  • Qt (LGPL v2.1)
  • QtSingleApplication
  • Ace (LGPL v2.1)
  • Boost
  • RapidXml
  • JSON Spirit
  • Google Web Toolkit
  • Guice
  • GIN
  • AOP Alliance
  • RSA-JS
  • tree.hh etc

RStudio Server enables you to provide a browser-based interface (the RStudio IDE) to a version of R running on a remote Linux server. Deploying R and RStudio on a server has a number of benefits, including:

  • The ability to access your R workspace from any computer in any location
  • Easy sharing of code, data, and other files with colleagues
  • Allowing multiple users to share access to the more powerful computer resources (memory, processors, etc.) available on a well-equipped server
  • Centralized installation and configuration of R, R packages, TeX, and other supporting libraries


MIRI Predictive Analytics Framework R Hadoop 3.4.4 Support

Miri provides Predictive Analytics Framework R Hadoop technical support and services for installation and setup issues through our support center. We are ready to answer all your queries related to product and we would happy to help/support you with product configuration and development.

  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs. facility is available. Client can contact us at any time.

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