ProcessWire – A CMS with the Powerfull API | Miri Infotech


May 17, 2018


Miri Infotech is launching a product which will configure and publish ProcessWire on AWS, an open source content management system (CMS), content management framework (CMF) and web application framework (WAF) written in the PHP programming language, which is embedded pre-configured and ready-to-launch AMI on Amazon EC2.  A complete framework provided to you with the Content Management System involved in it. Miri Infotech brings a wide range of amazing products such as ProcessWire, OSSN, Hadoop, OSTicket and many more. A ProcessWire is a CMS which is different from other brings you a new set of features which helps you the way you can control your pages, fields, templates and markup at any scale.

In Miri ProcessWire, A new concept called jquery inspired API is used here which makes your framework a very much user friendly and interactive. As compared to other CMS which is being there, the fun and easiest is this ProcessWire to use.

ProcessWire is designed to have an approachable simplicity that is retained regardless of scale. Simplicity often implies reduced capability, but this is not the case related to the ProcessWire. From the surface, there is very little complexity and the application requires no training. The CMS is based on a system that the authors designed and developed over more than a decade of building CMSs.

Some features of ProcessWire are:

  • jQuery-styled API with comprehensive documentation
  • Graphical web-based installer
  • All fields are custom fields, indexed for find operations in the API
  • Can be bootstrapped from other PHP applications or command-line scripts
  • Interactive and API-based image manipulation functions
  • Drag-and-drop tree-based page list
  • Drag-and-drop file and image uploads and editing functions
  • Support for larger scale (100k+ page) installations
  • Use of string-based selectors for API calls
  • Role-based access control system
  • Core development emphasis on security
  • Markup agnostic output, leaving all output to the developer


MIRI ProcessWire Support

Miri ProcessWire provides technical support and services for installation and setup issues through our support center. We are ready to be answer of all your queries related to product and we would happy to help/support you with product configuration and development.

  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs. facility is available. Client can contact us at any time.

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