SharePoint 2013 Foundation | Miri Infotech


October 26, 2017


Miri SharePoint 2013 Foundation

Miri Infotech is launching a product SharePoint 2013 Foundation. Microsoft SharePoint is a browser-based collaboration and document management platform from Microsoft. SharePoint is an enterprise information portal, from Microsoft, that can be configured to run Intranet, Extranet and Internet sites. Some features of SharePoint are:

Social and Collaboration

Microsoft in SharePoint 2013 Introduced new Social capabilities for better collaboration in the company. New Features added are –

  • Interactive feed
  • Community Site
  • Follow people
  • Follow Sites


SharePoint 2013 includes several enhancements, custom content processing with the Content Enrichment web service, and a new framework for presenting search result types. Some of the features added are –

  • Consolidated Search Results.
  • Rich Results Framework.
  • keyword query language (KQL) enhancements.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

SharePoint 2013 added some of the best capabilities of an ECM software. The newly added stuff are:

  • Design Manager.
  • Managed Navigation.
  • Cross-site Publishing.
  • EDiscovery.

Mobile Access

  • Optimized mobile browser experience
  • Added feature as Device channels.
  • Business intelligence – SharePoint Server 2013 enables a user to view certain kinds of dashboard content. This includes Performance Point reports and scorecards, and Excel Services reports in iOS 5.0 Safari browsers on iPad devices.
  • Office Web Apps – allows users to view Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents in mobile browsers.


  • Significant enhancements, including new ways to create and visualize workflows.
  • Existing 2010 workflows should upgrade.

Document Collaboration

  • No difference in approach for organizing content in 2013.
  • Added ability to edit managed metadata in a datasheet (spreadsheet) view.


MIRI SharePoint 2013 Foundation Support

  • When you join to the MIRI SharePoint 2013 Foundation, your AWS commercial center membership will be naturally distinguished. MIRI SharePoint 2013 Foundation provides technical support for installation and setup issues through our support center.
  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs. facility is available. Client can contact us at anytime.

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