SpagoBI – Open Source Business Intelligence Suite | Miri Infotech


August 21, 2017


Miri InfoTech is launching a product SpagoBI, an open source software solution which is embedded pre-configured tool with LAMP and ready-to-launch AMI on Amazon EC2 that contains SpagoBI, Apache, MySQL, Linux, and PHP (LAMP). SpagoBI is an Open Source Business Intelligence suite, belonging to the free/open source SpagoWorld initiative, founded and supported by Engineering Group. It offers a large range of analytical functions, a highly functional semantic layer often absent in other open source platforms and projects, and a respectable set of advanced data visualization features including geospatial analytics. SpagoBI Server is the main module of the suite, offering the core and analytical functionalities. It provides two conceptual models (Analytical Model, Behavioural Model), administration tools and cross-platform services. The Analytical Model is the core of SpagoBI Server and covers a range of analytical needs:

  • Reports, to show structured data in a pixel-perfect way
  • OLAP analysis, to navigate through data
  • Graphs, providing simple and intuitive views of the information
  • Real-time dashboards, to monitor the KPIs
  • KPI models, to build and test one’s own performance monitoring model
  • Geo-referenced reporting, to publish data over a geographical representation
  • Cockpits, to realize complex and interactive dashboards
  • Free Inquiry (QbE), to build one’s own query and generate the first report template
  • Data mining processes, to discover hidden information
  • Office Documents, to publish Office documents under the behavioural model control
  • Analytical Dossiers, to collect documents with personal notes
  • Accessible Reports, in compliance with the international standard WCAG 2.0 and the Italian law
  • Real-time console, to monitor applications
  • Smart Filter, for the guided data selection
  • External Process, to execute external processes that can interact with OLTP systems
  • ETL/EII processes, to collect data from different sources.

The Behavioural Model regulates the visibility over documents and data, according to the end-users’ roles. It allows to reduce the required number of analytical documents, to guarantee the growth of the project over time and the respect of the visibility rules.


MIRI SpagoBI Support

  • When you join to the MIRI SpagoBI, your AWS commercial center membership will be naturally distinguished. MIRI SpagoBI provides technical support for installation and setup issues through our support center.
  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs facility is available. Client can contact us at anytime.

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