Tracmor | Asset and Inventory Management Software Support


November 28, 2016


MIRI Infotech Inc will install and configure Tracmor as AWS with LAMP and ready-to-launch on Amazon EC2 that contains Tracmor, Apache, MySQL, Linux, PHP (LAMP). Tracmor is web-based inventory and asset management software. It is written in PHP and using Mysql as database. Tracmor has enabled users to enhance operations planning, warehouse management and sales forecasting. Some of its features are: Online Asset Tracking , Audit Trail , Barcodes , Track Inventory Levels , Import& Export etc.


MIRI Tracmor Support

  • When you join to the MIRI Tracmor, your AWS commercial center membership will be naturally distinguished. MIRI Tracmor provides technical support for installation and setup issues through our support center.
  • Contact No. at- +1 (510)298-5936
  • Email– support@
  • 24*7 Hrs. facility is available. Client can contact us at anytime.

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